Rihanna Kedir

Time is based on Central European Time (CET)

(GMT+1:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna

Date: Day 1, Tuesday, 17th November

Time: 6:15pm to 6:40pm

Name: Rihanna Kedir


Rihanna is a Software Engineer and crafter. She is GDE in Web, Dart, and Flutter as well as a Women tech-makers ambassador and GDG lead. Rihanna strongly believes in the importance of sharing knowledge and experience; in her free time, she volunteers as a mentor and often organizes various tech events and meetups.


Leveraging Flutter for web support

In this talk we explore how to leverage Flutter Web to improve the experience of developers and users in the process of software delivery and onboarding.

Social Media

Twitter: https://twitter.com/rihanna_ke

Linkedin: http://linkedin.com/in/rihanna-kedir-05068568
